Introducing the best AI Detector

AI Detector

Check whether your written content is AI-generated or not with the assistance of the AI detector.

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AI Content Detector - How It Works?

The AI detection tool operates on a two-step procedure. Just perform the following steps to identify whether the entered textual content is generative-AI based or human-written:


Input the text into the designated area or upload a document file.

select mode

Click on the ‘Check for AI Content’ button.


Within a few seconds, this web utility will display the percentage of human and AI-generated content.

Working Model of AI Detector

Our AI detector goes through four phases to provide valuable insights for AI detection and guarantee the best possible results. Here is a simple explanation of what happens in those four stages:

Data Collection

First comes the data collection phase, where this AI content detector gathers a diverse and representative dataset. The dataset involves examples of both human and AI content because that’s how this web utility will be able to differentiate between both types of text.

Data Collection

Feature Extraction

The next stage is feature extraction, where our AI detector extracts relevant characteristics or patterns from the gathered data. In this case, those characteristics or patterns will involve things like the frequency of words, sentence structures, etc. The AI writing detector uses these patterns to predict the classification of AI-generated and human-written text.

Feature Extraction

Model Training

Here, the AI detector uses the extracted patterns from the previous stage to train its AI detection model. This process happens in different iterations, where the model makes predictions and gets feedback. Based on the provided feedback, our AI text checker adjusts its internal parameters.

Model Training

Actionable Insights

The last stage is the testing phase, where this AI detector operates its functionality on unseen data to check its capability. The AI writing checker uses its training to provide actionable insights into the extracted features. In this case, those actionable insights will involve the identification of AI content.

Actionable Insights

Benefits of Using AI Checker Free

This AI checker has various benefits, from the accurate identification of generative AI content to covering all the LLM-based tools. Here is a list of the most highlighted ones:

Ensuring Originality

Ensuring Originality

AI content generators are not creative thinkers like humans. They can’t produce unique content on their own. Instead, they use material from existing sources and combine them to provide the users with the answers to their queries.

The accurate and advanced algorithms of the AI checker are powerful enough to detect the text generated from all LLM-based tools like ChatGPT, Bing AI, Google Bard, Claude, etc. By using this AI detector free, you can ensure complete content originality and prevent yourself from undesirable situations.

Saving Time and Effort

Saving Time and Effort

Manually identifying whether a piece of text is AI-generated or not is a challenging task. It requires top-notch content reviewing skills and a lot of effort and time. Still, this process doesn’t guarantee accurate results. However, there will be no such issues with our AI detection tool.

The training of this AI text checker allows it to quickly identify the origin of any textual content. All you have to do is submit and process the text. The AI writing detector will automatically take care of the rest. Using this web utility will save you time, ultimately increasing your productivity.

Improved Content Protection

Improved Content Protection

We understand how challenging it can be to be creative and write a masterpiece. Therefore, our developers have worked really hard to make this platform completely secure for its users.

Your uploaded content will be completely safe on our AI detector free. We neither store it on our servers nor share it with any third-party vendors. In fact, whenever you reload the web page, this AI content checker automatically erases the traces of uploaded data.

Cost Efficiency


Saving money is a big worry for many people, particularly students and those just getting their businesses off the ground. However, you can put your money concerns aside with this AI content detector since every single feature it offers comes at no cost.

In fact, you can even put through a long piece of writing as many times as you need, and our platform won't ever prompt you to sign up or pay a dime.

Spam Detection

Spam Detection

Content generated by artificial intelligence is nothing but scrapped material. This means that AI content generators use various sources to provide you with the answers to the specified query. If you use that material, it will be considered spam. This is where our AI writing detector can benefit you.

Our AI detector can accurately help you identify whether the submitted text is generated from an LLM-based tool or human-written. This way, you can discard a piece of text for spam detection before finalizing it.

Use Cases of AI Checker

Anyone who writes some sort of text for their work can use the AI content checker. However, the following areas are the most popular use cases of this AI text detector:


Blogging and Content Creation

Like plagiarized content, search engines do not appreciate AI content. They can penalize your platform upon the detection of AI content. Therefore, it is essential for bloggers and webmasters to check their content for AI detection before publishing. That’s where this openai detector will come in handy.

Courtesy of its accurate algorithms, this AI text detector can check any type of textual content for AI detection. Bloggers and other digital marketing content creators can use it to avoid the penalties of search engines and prevent themselves from losing their investment.

Academic Writing

Academic Writing

Ever since generative AI has come into the picture, academic writing has become a challenging task for students. Despite putting in all the effort, some hard-working students still fall prey to the claims of AI content generation because they don’t have the means to check their text for AI detection. But with the arrival of our AI detector free, this situation stops here.

With this AI text detector, students can quickly check their essays for AI detection before submission. Later, they can attach the report of this AI essay detector with their work. This practice will guarantee them perfect grades.

Professional Writing

Professional Writing

Generative AI tools have made people believe that everybody can become a writer. This often frustrates professional writers because it puts their own material at risk. But pro writers can use our AI writing checker to avoid this problem.

Our AI content detector can assist professional writers in instantly identifying whether a written piece is original or machine-generated. This way, they can use the results to prevent their work from being stolen and expose the scammers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. This AI content checker can detect traces of generative AI in all types of textual content like articles, blog posts, emails, assignments, essays, research papers, etc.

You won’t face the language barrier issue with the AI detection tool because its entire functionality is available and operable in multiple languages.

This AI detector is 100% accurate because its backend has been trained with the extensive writing patterns of humans and machines.

In plagiarism detection, tools scan and compare the submitted text with the content of their database. AI detection, on the other hand, involves training the model of the AI checker on the patterns and characteristics of both human and machine-generated content.

Yes, you can bypass AI detection. For this purpose, you will need to write content on your own or make use of an online paraphrasing tool that revamps your text and makes it look human-written.
Paraphrasing Tool is focused to provide a text rewriting service with instant results and an advanced user interface.
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